Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"What are you doing in June?!"

Is what I asked Matt on October 11th when he came home from work. He gave me a blank look of why and that is when I lost my ability to talk. I just stood there smiling and looking at him as if he should read my mind. Finally, I told him.
"We will be at the hospital meeting our 3rd little Morell!"
Yes. I'm pregnant!
You will never hear me say those words again...if I do say them, it's with one foot on the plane as I board for Mexico.
We have always wanted 3, so it is extremely exciting and all overwhelming at the same time.

I had my ultrasound today and I'm 13 weeks pregnant.
My "official" due date is June 9, 2011
But....I have a wish, hope,dream for this baby to born on June 5th.
June 5th is my Mom's Birthday and I know she would LOVE to have a Birthday twin on her day.

I asked my Dr. if everything is healthy,good etc. if I could get induced on the 5th?
Tears running down my face...she said, "I don't see why not?!"
So, my goal for my last pregnancy is to have our baby on
Sunday, June 5, 2011

We did get a very good guess on the sex...we will know for sure on January 25th.

Around our house we watch a lot of Shrek. After watching it a bazillion times, I have nicknamed Matt and Booyah...Shrek and Donkey! They are not the quietest people/dog in the world. Most of the time Boo is following Matt around and well...they look  remind me a lot of Shrek and Donkey.
So, after watching the Christmas Shrek movie again, I noticed that we ALL look like them!
I think this will look very similar to our Christmas card for next year...except our kids will not all be the same age. Thank god! Also, Puss in Boots...we don't have a cat. Thank god again.

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