Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

don't call him dumpy

"It's mean. It sounds like he pooped his pants. You don't want him to be 15 and people are calling him dumpy."
 We hear this from time to time. It's so hard to explain that it has
NOTHING to do with being mean.
NOTHING to do with poop.
And in 14 years if people are calling him Dumpy, well then they will probaly know him well enough to know why.
It has to do with Max being a dump truck!!
He will eat most everything and make a mess out of everything.
He is just messy. He is just a boy. He is just Dumpy to us.
Dumpy in the nicest sence ever.

Dear Dumpy Dumperson,
Here's a deal promise I will make with you.
If you stop doing stuff like what you are doing in the pictures below, well then I will stop calling you Dumpy. Until then dude, figure it out or your going to be 30 and I will still call you Dumps.
Promise? Promise
I love you more,
Love, Momma


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