Miss Pie the poser!!
This is my new favorite picture of May!
I LOVE the dirt on the right inside knee! I think she does too!
Loving the Spring weather in the Winter!

Cousin Kaleb out grew his little Red Jeep, so Miss Pie got it!!
We went up to Uncle Steve's & Auntie Neses to pick up the Jeep. Mayson was a little unsure at first, but then she took right to it!
(if only it was black)!! :)

blue eyes!

Auntie Nese lovin on Baby Max!!
Thank you so much Kaleb for the Red Jeep! Mayson loves it! She really loves to drive it about 5 feet then stop & get out & lean on it & just talk up a storm - total poser!
If only the cruising law wasn't in Kirkland!! :)