Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


...Where Did Our Little GIRL Go??!!
Every morning MayPie strips off her PJ's & runs around with just her diaper on.
Well, this morning she decided to wear Dada's hats too! Yes hatS!
This is how she chose to wear them - ALL morning!!
What's up DUDE??!!
(this one makes me laugh out loud-really is that Mayson)??!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm A Little Bit....

Miss Pie the poser!!
This is my new favorite picture of May!
I LOVE the dirt on the right inside knee! I think she does too!

Loving the Spring weather in the Winter!

Cousin Kaleb out grew his little Red Jeep, so Miss Pie got it!!
We went up to Uncle Steve's & Auntie Neses to pick up the Jeep. Mayson was a little unsure at first, but then she took right to it!
(if only it was black)!! :)

Miss blue eyes!

Auntie Nese lovin on Baby Max!!

Thank you so much Kaleb for the Red Jeep! Mayson loves it! She really loves to drive it about 5 feet then stop & get out & lean on it & just talk up a storm - total poser!
If only the cruising law wasn't in Kirkland!! :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


....BOY MAX!!
Max went in for a weight check and....
He now weights.....
9 lbs. 9 oz!
Butter Ball!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nothing Better Then....

...A Chocolate Fountain!!
Nummy Nummy!!

All The Milian Does Is.....

Well, not exactly true...
Eat, SLEEP, and poo!! :)

Aunt Kelly with the Sleeper!

Mimi & Bobba with the Sleeper!

The Sleeper!
(no it's not Buddha)!

The Sleepers big feet!
You know what they say about big feet......nothing.....
"He has big feet"!!! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!

......Will YOU Be My Valentine??!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

...The Song of The Weekend....

....Uncle JJ is coming...Uncle JJ is coming!
Miss Thing was SO excited that her Uncle JJ was coming into town to see her & meet her new little brother that she was running around Friday night singing her original song....
Uncle JJ is coming!! It was so cute! We tried to get it on video, but yeah right!!
Uncle JJ with Max!

Catching Flies!

Miss May with her Uncle JJ! A little Q T!!

Family sing along! We need to video tape this!
Mayson is hilarious! She loves to sing & listen to Mimi play the piano, and of course she is in charge of what song we sing & for how long!!
Bossy little thing!! :)