Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Birthday = Another Doctor Check

Well, as we all know by now little Miss Sass had her birthday...so it was a trip to see Dr. Nakahara and get stats on the butter...peanut butter that is.

Weight:  28 1/4 lbs. (25%)
Height:  36 in. (25%)
BMI: 30%

Yes, that's all right above...not a typo! I was giggling the whole time at her well check appointment.
How did we get such a little person?! They even had to go to a "smaller" height chart. The original one she took her to was too tall. It's funny because on both sides we have some really good height. My Mom is short, so maybe she got that one gene out of all the others? I don't care, I just think it's kinda funny. Dr. Nakahara did say she could have a growth spurt later...we will wait and see.
Until then she is just our little pi** and vinegar girl!
When I was little I was skinny...(true)...so I'm not too surprised on the weight part.
Max is only 2 lbs. behind the girl. Paybacks are a coming!

When I asked my "little" princess (ha) for a smile...this is what I got once again.

Ohh..maybe you shouldn't make that face again?!!

May did HAVE to bring her new birthday toys to the check up and show the nurse.
She moved them all over the room, and this is how they eventually ended up, stacked in a pile. Trying to keep them away from her brother.
Next well check appointment is when she turns 4!! Whoot whoot!
Happy 30 Something Birthday Amers!!

I love that we have celebrated 20+ years of birthdays together...ohh writing that just made me feel old and kinda sick to my stomach! Anyway, I'm so happy that my little loco girl is your mini bff.
Thank you for always being around for us and we only have 18 years til we go shoulder dancing with the girl for her 21 run! Oh what fun!!

BTW...busted for not having any updated pictures with May or Max...I just checked all my pics and found nothing. BUSTED!
We love you and we still owe you lunch and maybe another donut!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Curious George birthday party

A Curious George Birthday Party...
is what she wanted...and a Curious George Birthday party is what she got!

We celebrated Mayson's Birthday with family and friends a week after her "real" Birthday.
We waited for Uncle JJ to be here. It just would not of been a party without JJ.
I love Birthdays. I especially LOVE my kids Birthdays. I had so much fun planning May's party. I started in September, and yes did not get everything done that I wanted to, but no one knows what was missing. (just me!) This year, I did it all by myself, so it took twice as long...wait...DawnK did help with a few crafts...love her for that. Anyway, it was really fun and it was all bitter sweet when it was over in just 2.5 hours. All that for that...totally worth it but kinda felt a little cheated it went by so fast!! 

Eric made me a big red frame (thank you) to go along with all my little fun props I made. We then took polaroids of everyone behind the frame. I hung the polaroids up above the mantle so we could see all our "crazy" friends. Mayson only took a few photos with it (weird, I know) but the rest of us had a fun time with it.

The best part of the party is Miss Cassie Pepper was there to photograph the festivities! Do you know my friend Cassie Pepper? Well, if you don't you should google her name and find out who she is. The other best part is she is Shannon Pepper's little sister. Do you know my friend Shannon Pepper? Google her too!! (haha!!)

So, here are a bunch of pictures from Cass. I could of posted more, but I stopped myself from being that out of control mom! Cassie also has some more pictures that I will get this weekend. I have a feeling you will be seeing more of them soon enough. Until then, these mere 15 will have to do!! :)

Mayson with Mr. Sandman...they are a sight to been seen together.

Frank invited his friends too...

baby Fiona...now almost 6 months

cousin Sloane...now almost 6 months

baby Toryn....now just 8 months

Thank you everyone for celebrating with us.
We had a great time. Mayson loves all her new birthday presents. Thank you thank you!!
We look forward to next years big 4th birthday party!!
 Yeah 4...only 3 hundred and 50 some odd days left of being 3 Mayson...enjoy it, cuz I'm not!! :)
Love you MayPie!! Muah!

Thanks again Cassie Pepper....you are awesome!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Ok, so how bad am I?! This is the ONLY picture I took on Thanksgiving! Horrible I know.
Thank god Kelly took lots of pictures and you can see them by clicking here!

OK...now that you saw all the pictures and read about all our fun...I would like to make a correction from what Kelly reported....
Mayson made the Turkey cookies...not me! 

The Saturday before Thanksgiving we celebrated our annual Chinese Thanksgiving with my Dad, Aunt Noreen, Uncle Bill and cousin Kirsten.
 (Frank came too. May had to stay home with Mimi and Bobba...she is not restaurant material.)
Yes...Chinese...because you know we are not Chinese, but ohh the food at Louie's makes me wish we were!! It is so good. Once again, if you have not gone yet, go! It was a great visit and it was before all the stupid snow, so we got there and back with no problems. I would have been REALLY mad if the snow would have made us miss our Chinese dinner.

As Kelly said, we were all over at Mimi and Bobba's for Turkey Day. Joined by Uncle Jon, Aunt Judy and Grandy Kay...ohh and of course Uncle JJ! We had delicious food and a great time with everyone. Mayson was a really good girl and that is what I was thankful for.
Many, many things we are thankful for this year...it has been a very blessed year for us.
Cheers...until the next Turkey Day!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reason #216 Why I Don't Like The Snow....

This hill and 2 others that are about the same are our only way to get in and out of our house.
I know that we do not have 4wheel drive cars/trucks, but even if we did we would not of been able to
get off the hills. There were pile ups of all kinds of 4wheel drives, 2wheel drives, chains....you name it they were stuck. As for walking....2 kids in the snow walking down a really steep hill and then of course back up? Yah, no thanks, I would rather stay at home and wait for the sun to come back.

Don't get me too wrong...this would have been so much fun if I was in school.
 No school from snow day was the best news ever back in the 80's and 90's! :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday MayPie!!

Today is officially Mayson's 3rd Birthday!
It's crazy to think that it has been 3 years since we had our bundle of spunk!
Also, crazy to think that we left Scottsdale almost 3 years ago.
 It snowed for the 1st time this year today, and yes it made me wish we were sitting on the back patio in AZ eating Birthday cake and opening presents. Since we can't have it all....Red Robin will have to do!! Don't get me wrong, I heart Red Robin and the snow (kinda)....but I heart the sun more.

Happy Birthday MayMay!
We love you so much! You bring more "spirit" into a room then anyone I have ever known!
You are one special little girl and I can't wait til you are 4!! :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Frank The Tank Is 10 Months

I feel like I just posted his 9 month pictures. It truly is crazy how fast time flys when you get old...older...whatever it still goes by fast.
Frank is back to his good ole normal self and not sick any more!! We cannot be happier that he is finally better. Poor little man was sick for about 6 weeks. Thank god for antibiotics.

Max is still eating away and still....yes still....waiting for teeth!
Hopefully, next month I can report on some new chompers for the guy.
Until then he is watching every bite I chew. He comes in like he is baby bird and me momma bird and he is going to eat right out of my mouth.
Sorry dude, I love you but you are not eating out of my mouth!
I will get you baby dentures if need be.

Big sissy showing some love to her little brother for the moment.
She was very happy that he is 10 months and her 3rd birthday is tomorrow.

Oh, and that little tiny scar you can't see on his left side of his head...yes it's almost not there.
Stitches...ha...our boy is Montana Max for sure!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Miss Mays preschool picture!

We were very unsure on how Mays school picture was going to turn out.
I really talked a lot about picture day the morning of. I told her that this time it is important to look at the camera and smile. That she would have this picture forever and one day it will end up on your wedding video and you will be showing your "sweet" daughter how cute your were someday. "OK, Momma." That's all I got from her all morning, along with a goofy smile of ...just wait and see!
So, I waited...and she might have been listening to me that morning....
look how cute and sweet and innocent she can look!


Mayson even did a great job on her class photo. I love how she played the shy card. She will make good money some day for her great acting ability!

Jacob (her school boyfriend) is directly behind her in the white and black striped shirt.
Amelia (her best girlfriend) is the blond to the right of her.
Jacob and Amelia is all we hear about...she tells me she is going to make them some food in the play kitchen. She said she loves to cook in the kitchen....a trait she clearly got from her Dad! (obviously)