Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

max 18 month well check

weight:  28 lbs. 2 oz. (75%)
length:  33.5 in. (75%)
mellon:  55%

Maxieboy got 2 shots and did awesome. His tubes look perfect and so far knock on wood, NO antibiotics since tubes have been placed. Max is a chatter box! His favorite word is applejuice. He must say applejuice 500x a day. That is no joke. It's even his panic word. When the kids dog pile with Matt at night and Max wants up he starts yelling applejuice. No, dude you yell uncle, not applejuice!

 He is still obsessed with shoes and really loves new shoes. He will scream in stores..."new shoes" until you stop and let him try a pair on. But as soon as he tries them on, he won't take them off. It's so weird how in love he is with them. I must say though, he does have some good taste. He had a panic attack at Gymboree the other day for a pair of shoes with soccer balls on them. Of course, he ended up with them and lucky for me they are adorable. His new love is pj's with the feet. How much better does life get? Pj's with shoes built right in. I need to take video of him geeking out over them. It's cute and different all at the same time!

Max is putting together short sentences like-
"Where's MayMay?"
"I want to go outside."
"I want cookies."
"I went poop."  Love this one!
And many more, but too tired to list! :)
The Milian is defiantly still a charmer.
He has that it factor...his mojo is turned on and everyone loves him.
Can't say we blame them!

Friday, August 26, 2011

ohh montana

MayMary took off to Montana with Bobba and Mimi 4 days early to get settled in and play. It was nice because it freed up a spot in our car, but it made it extra quite around our house and we missed our girl more then we liked. They had a wonderful time playing in the Lake, golfing, eating out at restaurants (whatever!) and relaxing.
Our drive over to Ohh Montana was not the quietest, funniest or most enjoyable ride we have ever taken.
My little boyfriend does not like the car. So, to buckle him up in the car seat for a 9 hour road trip seemed like a horrible mean joke by the time we hit Spokane. I was honestly ready to grab him and go to the airport and catch the next plane home with him. I think Matt wanted to also, but we stuck it out and turned our trip into an 11 hour long arse day. Once there we could relax and only hope that the trip home was easier. Thank all my people above that it was. Not much, but better.

Dumpy eating his daily tub of Activa to keep him regular. Love him that he NEEDS this or all sorts of problems happen.

Max is a total water boy. He will stay in the water until he is old and all shriveled up.

Max's very 1st seadoo ride. He loved it. Kept pushing Matt's hands off the steering wheel.

Old hat to MayPie.

Another relaxing, good visit, good food trip to Montana. Hoping that next year all the kids love the car, or a flight might be in order!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

doing it all in duvall

Wow! Still so crazy for me to believe that I have come full circle. (well, 8 miles north)
Living our dream in Duvall and to be so completely honest...
we love it. We all do.
Us parents love the neighborhood filled with 12-14 year old girls who absolutely love and adore our kids.
I call them my angels as they knock on my door every morning around 10am wanting to play with May and Max.
The M's love the big girls or as May says, "my girls." And they love being able to run around and play and ride their bikes.
Booyah loves the yard. I think we gave her a few good years on her life getting her out of that crazy city. Ha!

Little piece of heaven right here in Duvall. Who knew?

Sloane brought her daddy's muscles to help unload our PODS.

Stick hunting.

Every morning after breakfast the two M's go stick hunting.
When they find their stick, they stand on the 3 rickety old chairs and poke their stick in the fence holes.
They are sometimes out there for hours doing this.
We don't need no play set!
We have sticks and chairs and holes in fences!

Frank got his foot stuck crawling thru the table.

Miles swinging in Duvall.

Boo is in doggy heaven. She only comes in to sleep now.

First Duvall dub with the Mastiff.
I had a feeling Matt would like it out here, but he tells me on numerous occasions that he, "loves Duvall!"
So weird for me to hear him say that, but I'm happy he does. He even bought a pair of Romeo's. Ha!
Who knows maybe we will stay?
Or maybe we won't. As for now though...we are having a great time and very busy getting unpacked.
It is a whole new game moving a family of 5, but we are getting there.
Gotta love Duvall.

Monday, August 8, 2011

miles 8 weeks well check

weight: 11 lbs 10oz. (50%)
length: 23 7/8 in. (85%)
mellon: 15 1/4 in. (50%)

My new little boyfriend has turned 8 weeks. Miles is such a good baby.
Still sleeping all through the night and takes good naps during the day.
The only thing this boy does not love or like at all is the car.
Ugh. Yes, the car.
It makes for even a quick trip to the store painful at times.
Hoping this changes soon. Praying.
I wish I could freeze him in time. I don't want him to grow out of the infant stage.
I think it's because I know he is my last baby, so I would like to keep him that..a baby forever.
The other two M's love him to pieces and love to give him hugs and kisses.
Soon enough there will be three M's running around like hooligan's. I can wait for those days. No rush at all.