Hair dids
I have been telling everyone for months now, that come June, May was going to get her first hair cut. I wanted to wait so Mayson's hair was long enough to donate to Locks of Love, although I will be sending it to Pantene-their requirement is less then Locks of Love. Just so happened that Dumperson needed his mullet trimmed as well! So, the gal that does my hair said she would do it and so...well...she did it!
Pictures of the mullet...
...ready to do this.
"Let's go Sissy, NOW. I want our treat after our cuts!"
May's locks of love.
Boys first. Max had to show May how exactly it gets done.
Bye bye mullet, bye bye.
Our little man doesn't look so little anymore. bitter sweet, but oh still so yummy!
OK..time for Sissy.
I know I had the hardest time with this cut.
I kept telling myself, (and still am) that it's just will grow back.
And hopefully someone will use it and it will help make them feel better.
Before we left the house, I must have brushed her hair an extra 5 minutes...taking it all in...never to forget May's pretty blonde locks.
(I sound crazy, but her pretty hair. Must be my hormones?!)
Everyone ready but me!
Truth be heart was racing and I kinda wanted to just say forget it on the whole cut, but then's not about me.
Mayson was such a big girl and so excited. She held so still. I was shocked.
And just like that...
...BB cut off her pony and my eyes filled with tears. (for 2 seconds)
Snip snip snip away.
A little blow dry.
And look...
I love it!
But most of all May loves it!
She keeps telling Matt and I how happy she is and she loves her new hair cut!
Our little kiddos-not so little anymore, but ohh still so stinkin cute!
Of course, I bribed Mayson for about a week before her hair cut! I told her that if she is good during her hair cut she can have any treat she wants!!
(Horrible, I know, but I do what works, and that is what works for both of us right now!)
Icecream was her pick, and icecream they both got!
A little sassy tude comes along with this new hair cut.
Walking to the icecream store, Mayson had a little more bounce in her step that wasn't there before. A little more swing in her hips if you say.
Matt and I both looked at eachother we go!
She reminded us of how Aunt Kelly gets with a hat on!! Only problem is...we can't take the hat off!! :)
I'm over the initial cut and feel really good about donating her hair.
Now lets just hope her sassy pants don't get too sassy!