Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hair dids

I have been telling everyone for months now, that come June, May was going to get her first hair cut. I wanted to wait so Mayson's hair was long enough to donate to Locks of Love, although I will be sending it to Pantene-their requirement is less then Locks of Love. Just so happened that Dumperson needed his mullet trimmed as well! So, the gal that does my hair said she would do it and so...well...she did it!

Pictures of the mullet...

...ready to do this.

"Let's go Sissy, NOW. I want our treat after our cuts!"

May's locks of love.

Boys first. Max had to show May how exactly it gets done.

Bye bye mullet, bye bye.

Our little man doesn't look so little anymore. Oh..so bitter sweet, but oh still so yummy!

OK..time for Sissy.

I know I had the hardest time with this cut.
I kept telling myself, (and still am) that it's just hair...it will grow back.
And hopefully someone will use it and it will help make them feel better.

Before we left the house, I must have brushed her hair an extra 5 minutes...taking it all in...never to forget May's pretty blonde locks.
 (I sound crazy, but huh..so attached...to her pretty hair. Must be my hormones?!)

Everyone ready but me!
Truth be told..my heart was racing and I kinda wanted to just say forget it on the whole cut, but then again...it's not about me.

Mayson was such a big girl and so excited. She held so still. I was shocked.

And just like that...

...BB cut off her pony and my eyes filled with tears. (for 2 seconds)

Snip snip snip away.


A little blow dry.

And look...
I love it!
 But most of all May loves it!
She keeps telling Matt and I how happy she is and she loves her new hair cut!

Our little kiddos-not so little anymore, but ohh still so stinkin cute!

Of course, I bribed Mayson for about a week before her hair cut! I told her that if she is good during her hair cut she can have any treat she wants!!
(Horrible, I know, but I do what works, and that is what works for both of us right now!)

Icecream was her pick, and icecream they both got!

A little sassy tude comes along with this new hair cut.
Walking to the icecream store, Mayson had a little more bounce in her step that wasn't there before. A little more swing in her hips if you say.
Matt and I both looked at eachother like-great...here we go!
She reminded us of how Aunt Kelly gets with a hat on!! Only problem is...we can't take the hat off!! :)
I'm over the initial cut and feel really good about donating her hair.
Now lets just hope her sassy pants don't get too sassy!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Angels have been singing at our house for the last few nights! Matt has made Mayson one V.E.R.Y. happy girl. She finally got invited/old enough to take Booyah on a walk! May has been asking forever if she can go, and everytime Dad breaks her heart with...this Summer girl...this Summer. Well, when Maddy and Ash were here they got to go for a dub, so how could you leave the Pie at home?!

Dad and his girls! First walk with just the 3 of them!

There they go.

I can hear the song playing- your gonna miss this. sniff sniff.
Matt has to take Booyah for a walk at night when most are in bed and not out wondering the streets.
Booyah is such a freak show that she causes everyone and everything to stop and stare and talk.

Not good for 2 reasons:
1. Boo doesn't like people she doesn't know to randomly come up and pet her on a walk, so it usually ends with Booyah barking and us watching a grown man almost shart himself. True.

2. Matt told our landlord that Boo only weights 130 lbs. So we have to hide her from the neighbors. True again.
(I know the feeling Boo. Ohh glory days to be 130!)
Hello Sweetheart

The Milian is obsessed with his big Sissy's stuff. Especially her shoes. He can kick it in a pair or even just with one of her shoes on all day long.
May just got these rainbow shoes, and look who wears them ANY chance he gets.

Mr. Montana looks so tuff with his shirt off, camo pants on, then you look down and he has a pair of rainbow girl shoes on 2 sizes too big!

Yeah...not so tuff looking dude sweetheart!
But yes...you are both number 1 in my book!

Max is ALL boy in every way. He does so many things different then his princess sissy.
The most noticeable thing at the moment that I don't remember dealing with Mayson is his...
climbing, standing, laying, jumping on furniture.
He now gets up on the chair and sometimes will sit like a good, big boy and watch TV, but most of the time, he is standing on it, rocking it fast, or strattling the arm of the chair....OR he just uses the chair to crawl over to get to the table so he can stand on the table.

Mimi would have a heart attach if she saw half of his stunts. A padded helmet, and other protective gear would be placed on him is she saw. Remember...Matt is Mimi's son, so to watch Matt want to put a helmet on Max is kinda fun at times too!! At times...not all the time! Easy Matt...I know I know I know...I care too, trust me he is my son too, but like you say his middle name is Montana!! :) He's fine! (fingers crossed!)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday Mya May!

Miss Mya May, Miss Thing, Miss Too Cool, Miss Know It All...
Happy Birthday!!

The party crew.

Mya and her bestie!

Look who we found at the party!! Miss Ash!
We have been missing Miss Ash for sometime now.
We even talked her and Maddy into coming home with us and staying the night.
Mayson was on cloud nine to have "her" friends over!

Thing 1 and Thing 2.

My fault Mya is blowing out a real big pink house candle.
Yep, I forgot the birthday candles. Way to go Nikka.
Mya May you and your sister are idealized in our house!
You are such a beautiful girl inside and out.
 Thank you for being a great role model for Mayson!
We Love You Girl!
Now please stop being so cool that you can't come over for a slumber! ;)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mary Poppins

Well, the day finally arrived...MayPie and Mimi went to their 1st official "real" play together downtown.
 They left the house early for a little girl time filled with shopping and a little snack.
Mimi said Mayson was a big girl and did awesome during the play!

Sorry Bobba, but it looks like you will be missing some seats this year and the years to follow.
Cinderella in November and Beauty and the Beast in February. Right up this princess's alley!
Thank you Mimi for spoiling our girl.
She must have been singing "just a spoon full of sugar" for 2 days straight after.
May LOVED it and of course she LOVES you!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Milians 15 month well check

Today we finally got to take Max to his 15 month well check appointment, even though he is now 16 months. Poor Max has been sick with ear infection after ear infection and with colds, which lead to asthma/respiratory problems etc. Our little golden child has been on 4 antibiotics in 6 weeks. As soon as he is off them for 3 days, he is sicker then a dog again. But I see a light at the end of the sickness tunnel...on
June 8th Max will be getting tubes in both ears to help with his draining and HOPEFULLY this will end our streak. All prayers, good wishes and happy thoughts are much needed and much appreciated!

Still as happy as a big kid in red shoes can be!

weight: 27 lbs. 12.5 oz (83%)
length: 33 1/4 in. (92%)
mellon: 18 3/4 (63%)

With all The Milians running around and playing he has slowed down on the weight,
 but has continued to grow like a weed. Although, he still feels like he weights over 30 lbs.

Even after a couple of cheep shots from his big sister, Max still gives her loves...

...lots of loves.

Max did get 2 shots and he did cry a little.
But once he got his sticker, he was back to happy with his Dad!
We pushed his 18 month well check back to 19 months.
So, big Hoss will be back in August. Hopefully not any sooner.
We jinxed ourselves after his 1 year Birthday with being so happy he had never had an ear infection.
Shortly after that, they never went away.
Everyday I promise Maxie that I will get him "fixed" and that's what we are going to do...fix our boy!
Soon Milian....you won't only look like a million bucks, you will feel like a million bucks.
I promise you that!