Not only did it look great it was super yummy too! Mayson's favorite cake- Thank you Uncle Kevin!

We went to Vegas to spend Thanksgiving with my family. We stayed at Uncle Pete's and Auntie Lisa's til Friday then stayed with Uncle Kevin and Auntie Angella til Sunday. We had a great time. It was so nice to all be together for the Holiday. I wish I had more pictures of everyone.
Mayson did really well on the plane there and back. She has a swivel head, so it was hard for her to relax and sleep. She had fun flirting with everyone that was getting up to use the restroom.
When we got home on Sunday, Uncle Jared picked us up and Mayson was reunited with him again. It has been since August since they last saw each other. I did not get any pictures from Sunday, but will do better next Holiday.
Thank you everyone for all Mayson's birthday presents and all the great food! We had a great time and we hope to see you all soon.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I love the ladybug cake!! Looks like you had a nice thanksgiving!! Love,
The Rainbow! its Amazing - please have that printed on photo paper! That is goose bump beautiful!
ReplyDeleteKevin how do i email Kevin? is he on myspace, facebook, email, text, blog or wow one of those! Kevin i am very impressed with your cheffing talent! Beautiful!
I miss you all so much and am truly very grateful that you were all together. i hope you all can continue to be that close!
and as a hopeful adoptee to your entire family...i hope to see you all very soon.
my thoughts are with you all frequently and pray you all are happy and doing well...live the dream
i love you all! very special people
Happy holidays
gramma nancy
also should print the pic of the lady bug cake - it is a work of art!