Baby Baby!!!
Today we hit the road & headed North to Mt. Vernon to see the Tulips & Daffodils!
It was a little sad that the Tulips were not all bloomed. The cold spring has slowed them down a bit, but we did get some good pictures!
Amy came over & we met up with Momma Kim, Mr. Lathan & his Aunt Nicole!
Our little Tulip Angel!

Momma & The Pie in the fields!

The Tulip Town gang!
Nicole, Amy, Kim with Lathan & Mayson with her Momma!

Miss Pie's first LOVE! Mayson could not get enough hugs or kisses from Lathan! It was so cute! Mayson would follow him around, waiting for her hug! She would also copy everything he did!
It must have been the Tulips in the air!! :)
P.S. Lathan is only 9 months older then May. Look at the size difference! He is the biggest, littlest boy I know! He wears a size 8 shoe....May is in a size 4 (still a little big for her)!
We have a peanut & they have a giant!
You know what they say.....opposites attract!

Daffodil fields! So pretty!

Of course we had lunch at Red Robin! Balloons, french fries & Lathan!
What more could Mayson want??!!

The babies with the bird!

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