.....NOPE....MUD PATCH!!!
This year we went back to the same Pumpkin Patch as last year, only this year we were really disappointed. :(
The place was one BIG mud patch instead of a Pumpkin Patch. We almost got our 2WD family truckster stuck in 2 feet of mud, then we had to stomp around in it. We were prepared for dirt & a little mud, but this was too much.
You know it's bad when the guy in front of us is trying to get out of the mud and saying the "F" word at a kid function!
So, we only got a few pictures then decided to get out of there before the rain started coming down harder & before it got dark.
Of course Mayson still loved it & didn't even realize we didn't see 1 pumpkin in the patch! PHEW!!
Miss Pie happy as can be with all the gourds! She don't need no pumpkin patch!!
Waiting for the pygmy goats & chickens! Screaming "HI" & chasing them away instead!!
Ohh MayMay!!
Ohh Dada!
Ohh Momma!!
Over here May....over here....we are in front of you!! Focus!! :)

Here is a picture of the "mess" we were in! Notice how dirty the little girl carrying the pumpkin is & how everyone just stopped to stare...one determined little girl!
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