I think Nancy forgot that Booyah's nickname is Turd Burglar!! :)

Mayson was a good girl & left out milk & cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve! He loved Amy's sugar cookies! (so did Mommy)!! :)
Mayson with her Christmas presents from Auntie DawnK! She is just a little excited!
I left May alone for a few seconds & when I came back she had unwrapped MY Christmas present from Dawn and would not give me my lotion! She loved the tube...I guess! She carried it around the rest of the morning & even took the corner wall of her closet to her forehead for it. Ouch. She was falling and instead of dropping the lotion to catch herself she held onto it and crack....cried a little then back to happy with her lotion! Crazy girl! Gets it from her Daddy of course!!!
Gramps finally made it to our house to celebrate Christmas on the 26th! He could only stay a few hours because, it started snowing again.....of course! It was still great to see him & now he is flooded in. Crazy weather....where is the sun??!!

With all the weather-snow & power outages - we still had a great Holiday! So happy it is over & we are in a New Year! Hope everyone had a great time as well and ohh yeah.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW!! Now 32!!!
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