Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Amy & I did it! We did the 3Day Breast Cancer walk last weekend! 60 miles in 3 days....so much harder then we both ever imagined...but we did it!

Here we are feeling great...so excited to get walking....we had NO idea what was in store for us!

Pictures we wore for my Mom on our backs.

Our 3rd pit stop (mile 9 or so)...feeling great! No pain....Cheesseee!

Just fun fun fun!!

Mile 16 or so....so MUCH pain....slowly falling apart. Ran into the poor firemen again...at least we don't have to wear all the gear.

The ambulance crew! So funny...out of a movie....kept us laughing through the pain!

Our sleeping arrangements!

Ohh my Mayberry Pie! She came to have lunch with us on the 2nd day. We both did not want to let go. Missed my girl so much!

Last pit stop! About a mile to go!

We did it!

Closing Ceremony

Reunited & it feels so good!

On our way to home sweet home! I got my man & girl back!

One of the most memorable experience I have had! So hard, but so worth all the pain. Thank god for Amy to do this with me - she is the best!

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