...Mayson At Her 2 Year well check appointment!!
This morning I took Mayson in for her stats! I love these appointments...
Love them, because I get to hear about how perfect & wonderful our daughter is!! :)
Weight....24 lbs...30%
Length....34 1/2 in...75%
Mellon...18 1/2 in...(didn't give me a %)but I will say perfect! :)
The Doc said that if you x her height by 2 it gives you an average of how tall she will be.....and the result is.....5'9''! Perfect....I will take that....not a "little person" after all! :)
Miss Pies check up went really well & I received nothing but good news!
Her tantrums are normal, her testing ME in normal, & her all around "skills" are normal!
What more could a Momma want???!!! Believe me NOTHING!! So proud of her!!
Mayson had to hold onto the video camera & every time I tried to take her picture she would say "cheese" & pretend to take my picture. So I could not get a real good picture of the girl....weird I know! :)
Cheese Momma!!

Mouth full of granola bar...trying to sneak in a picture...almost got a good one.

Waiting for the Doc & all his good news!

Mayson did receive her 2nd part to her Hep A shot. She didn't even cry. She did fake cry...kinda whined...like that kinda hurt...maybe I should fake it to get something....& yep it worked!
I took her to Dairy Queen for some ice cream! I really took her there because she was so good, not because of the fake cry...well & because Big Momma wanted some ice cream too! :)
She will not have to go back for another well check until she is 3! WoW 3!