We had a Wonderful Thanksgiving! Of course filled with family, friends & more food then a pregnant Momma could ever hope for!
We started Thanksgiving Day off with Grandpa coming over for The Jangaard Thanksgiving Breakfast tradition of Swedish Pancakes & Pumpkin Pie!!
My Dad supervised Matt while he learned the Jangaard Family secret....so I guess he is NOT going anywhere now...now that he knows the secret! :) And of course he did a PERFECT job & now this BIG Momma expects them more then once a year!! :)
Grandpa & our Turkey!!
After we all got our food nap over with we headed to Mimi & Bobba's house for MORE food & more fun!
Bobba & our Turkey!
One of the best reasons to give Thanks......Uncle JJ was in town to play & teach Mayson all new fun things to say!
Miss Pie can say "GO CATS"! Both Uncle JJ & May think this is great! If Matt says "GO DOGS"! May will say...."NO GO CATS"!!
The two monkeys playing on the piano!
Another great reason to give Thanks....Aunt Judy & Uncle Jon were with us all for Thanksgiving dinner! Mayson loved getting in & out of the basket & Aunt Judy had no problem playing with her!
Uncle Jon, Aunt Judy with the Turkey!

Mayson could not of been more happier with her Birthday presents from Uncle Jon & Aunt Judy! As you can see here, May is saying..."OOOOHHHHHH".....before she even has the presents out! Loves presents, but then again who doesn't??!!

We had a VERY nice Thanksgiving & we are very Thankful for all our Family, Friends & Health.
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