Our computer broke & that is why I have not posted anything of Miss Pi

e. I was hoping that a miracle would happen, & when it didn't I was hoping that Matt (the computer GEEK) could fix it, & as you can see NOPE!! So, now I am using Matt's laptop to try and blog. All the pictures I had on my computer are trapped on there until we get it fixed. So, I'm missing pictures of when my Niece Shania was here & pictures of Mr. Sanders 2ND Birthday party. When we get it up & running again I will post them then.
Since I last blogged lots of fun stuff has happened! One... is we went to Montana!! Yes....I went to Montana - finally! It only took 3 years of marriage, having Matt's baby girl, & being pregnant with his baby boy to FINALLY get the invite! :) It was well worth the wait & we can't wait to go back again.
Out of 400 & some pictures taken while we were in Montana, this picture of Miss Pie is my all time favorite!!
She's a little bit Montana....she's a little bit Carnation!!

Our gift from Bobba when we arrived to the "Mother Country"........Camo hats!!

Auntie Kelly & the wild woman on the dock!!
Eskimo kisses please Uncle JJ!!

Mimi & Bobba with their girl!

The edited version of our "family" photo! (pull it together Matt)!! :)

Mayson on her 1st canoe ride with Mimi! You could hear May saying...weee....weee!!
Then of course May had to have her 1st paddle boat ride! Another...weee.....weee!!


We think he rolls in bacon!! May Pie won't leave Bobba's side!

Finally, I get to see you Uncle JJ!!
Ohh beautiful Montana.....until we see you again!! :)