Movie Night Outside!!
Aunt Denise had us girls over for a pre summer movie night outside. We had hot dogs, porknbeans, chips & all the other fixens for a kid/big kid BBQ!
After we ate & the kids ran & ran around waiting for dark time, we watched the movie "UP" outside!! Denise made the kids popcorn & my jaw fell to the ground while I watched MayPie SIT & eat her popcorn & WATCH the movie!!! I swear it was a miracle happening in front of my eyes!
We did not stay for the whole movie, but Mayson did do REALLY well & was actually interested in another movie besides The Chipmunks or Curious George!
MayPie with a little "jam" session! I know she is going to love messing with the band!!

Caleb & his friend Van were there for the movie too.
The boys showed May how to hunt for potato bugs & worms!
Here is May & Caleb with a HUGE worm! May was getting the bug catcher all ready!
And of course as you can see NO SHOES on May! I tried once again to keep them on & finally gave up. At least she kept her clothes on at this party!!

Wheel barrow rides! This was a lot more classy then we ever had it! They got cushy cushions for the bumps!
They LOVED it!

And here is movie time! Look close up front you can see Mayson sitting in a little purple chair, eating popcorn & watching the movie!
Caleb was smart & kept his spot in the wheel barrow-grab his blanket & he was set!
We also cannot wait for the weather to get just a little more nicer, but hey I'm learning Mayson does NOT melt & she could care less.....Nation Girl!!
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