O M G!!!
This "day" finally got here!
Max had his 4 month well check appt.
We have been so nosey (weird) to know what his stats are, they are in
& we are BLOWN away with the results!!
Our little stink pots before the big check up!

OK....So are you ready??!!
Weight: 17 lbs. 4 oz. (90%)
Length: 26 3/8 in. (90%)
Mellon: 16 3/4 in. (55%)
Matt & I were so shocked (still are) that we have such a BIG boy! We knew he was big, but we didn't know he was that big!
Max had a perfect check up & he won't need to go back until his 6 month.
Our butterball before he was weighed & measured. He looked just like a little turkey on the scale!!

Lots of lovin to go all around for everyone!

Meet Dr. Nakahara!
He is infamous in our house. Whenever Mayson falls down or won't eat her food, take a nap etc. we call (pretend) Dr. Nakahara & tell him about the situation. He always has the best solution & most of the time Mayson listens to his advise! So, needless to say May was very excited to get to see him today!
Max did get 2 shoots today & he did not cry. He really is such a good baby. He is talking like crazy these days. Look out May not only will he pay you back for all the cheap shoots you give him, but he MIGHT be able to out talk you real soon! Sooner then you think sweet thing!!
While we were at the Drs. office we had Mayson weighed & measured! She is a little bigger then we thought.... 27 lbs. & 3 ft. tall!
We also had them get Mayson's weight & height from when she went in for her 4 month check...she was...15lbs. 8 oz. & 23 in. Just a little peanut butter!!
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