Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Holiday Road!
(as Aunt Lisa would say!)

My brother Pete & his lovely wife Lisa came for a visit (too short) this week. They arrived mid-afternoon Monday & were back on the plane at 6:45am Friday morning. It was way too short of a visit & we only wished they could have stayed longer. The last time we saw them was Thanksgiving 2008. It was a well deserved, about time visit!

Pete is the whole reason we have Boo. Pete & Lisa had a mastiff named Tia for 12 years. I fell in love with Tia & then Matt fell in love with Tia & then....well the rest is history.

After Uncle Pete & Aunt Lisa left we were talking about how poor Boo is going to miss them more then anyone! She was getting chicken from their plates (busted), good ear rubs & more scratches then she has had in years. Sorry Booyah, but your sister needs a lot of attention right now!! :)

Uncle Pete with Booyah
A flight to Seattle, means a drive to the market. I don't think a trip is complete without it.
The Milian's first trip to Pike Place...he LOVED it!
All smiles! :)

The fam damily!
I had a random Grandpa come up to me & tell me I make beautiful kids! How awesome is that??!!
Wonder if he wants to babysit anytime soon??!! :)

While at the Market, Aunt Lisa found some English Bangers (sausage) & she had to have them.  The next night she made an amazing English dinner for us, complete with Yorkshire pudding. Yumm yumm yumm! (yes, she is from England, accent & all!) We were all happy she had to have them.

They got to watch the Pie play some soccer/football while they were here! Aunt Lisa is so proud of our All Star!!

On Wednesday we headed out to Grandpa's house for a visit & to bring Grandma some flowers.
We stopped by a little stand at Carnation Farms & they had Mommas favorite flowers...sweet peas! It was perfect!!

It's funny, (kinda) that I have been wanting to burn my Dad's burn pile for over 2 years now & he would not let me. I heard it all from...the weather is too nice...don't want to smoke up the blue sky...it's too wet...it won't burn right now...I heard it all. Well, Pete literally gets out of the car...Dad comes out...Pete asks for a match...he gets him one...and POOF...the burn pile is gone!! Really??!! Really??!! All in like 2 minutes... I tried for over 2 years! Nice work Uncle Pete! (whatever Grandpa ) :)

Uncle Pete likes Max's style!

It was a WONDERFUL visit & it went by all too fast. My only wish when they were here was for them to stay longer. It was so nice to have them here. Please don't make it another 2 years before you come back...the burn pile will need to go before then!! :)

Tuesday night the Atkinson's came for a BBQ & once again we (I) ate too much food.  My rule is...if one person is on "Holiday" we eat like we all are! (no wonder I can't loose my baby weight!!)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Same Only Different!

Mini You's...

My Momma 2 years old....Mayson 2 years old..
I love it that Mayson looks like my Momma. I can see my Mom in Mayson a lot, especially in the morning.

 Jared at 5 months old....Max at 6 months old...
 We giggle because we already have a child that reminds us of Jared & now we have one that looks like him too! Apples don't fall to far in this family!! :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Carter!!

Yes...another Summer Birthday party....another great time by all!
We celebrated Carter's Birthday Saturday at his house with all his friends & family. It was so much fun. Carter has really fun toys, so the kids were very happy & stayed busy all day.

Us parents were so happy when the battery died on the jeep, but the older kids were just as happy to push it.

Wonder Women did not break the pinata, but she tried.

Cool new shades & candy...very happy girl!

And yes, of course I took video. Only the last hour or so of the party, but it does show the fun & the great weather we are having! I love it!

Happy 2nd Birthday Carter! Thank you for having us we ALL had a great time! Your Mom & Dad are great hosts/hostess.
P.S. Carter sorry about the date at the end of video. My fault, I know your day is the 24th...sorry Buddy! :(

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pickering, Morris & Jangaard Kids....
no it's the....
Larsen, Perry & Morell Kids!!!

It's still crazy to think sometimes that all us "kids" have "kids"!!
This morning we went over to Stephanie's house to meet her new daughter Clara. She is about 4 months old & is just adorable. Total Momma's girl. Airen & her boys were there too.
I love that Pick (Larsen) has joined our Kid Club...
Welcome Pick....Welcome..

I think Clara was a little unsure of the madness

 we tried & tried to get Miss Clara to smile..

come on you can crack one...just one...


nope...not interested!

So much fun in so little time. Thanks for having us & we need to do it again real soon. Glad you are back in Duvall Steph, you bring back fun memories!!
Gone Fishin...

If it was wasn't for the 100 lbs. of salmon in our freezer, or for these few pictures, I would have thought the boys ran off to Tahiti for the weekend. They came back with incredible tans! (well at least Matt did)

Big Daddy caught the biggest fish!

The Old Guys vs. The Young Guys

I'm still  in a little bit of shock that The Young Guys won this year...but I asked Bobba & he said they won. He also said they did not let them win...wonder if Ted & Ted have the same story??!!
No really, Congrats to The Young Guys!! It's about time!! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy 1/2 Birthday Milian!!

Its so crazy to believe that Max is already 6 months old. Even more crazy to think in 5 months its Christmas & then a blink after that we will being singing Happy Birthday & eating cake with our little man!

Of course the best part of milestones are the doc appt. 
 Max is such a good boy getting weighted & measured. Just smiling & charming the Nurse!

Weight: 20 lbs  (88%)
Length: 27 1/4 in. (80%)
Mellon: 17 1/4  in. (55%)

Our hunk o monk did perfect! He is eating well (duh), sleeping well, & rolling, grabbing, interacting just like he is supposed too...good boy Max. Max did get 3 shots, but he did really well with them.
Next appt. is in October for his 9 month.

Before Dr. Nakahara came in Mayson strapped herself into Max's carseat. I thought what a brilliant idea, now she is locked down. I left her there & she was great.
As soon as the Doc left she wanted out, then she sat on his stool & repeated the whole conversation that we just had. It was really funny. She was a very good listener.
I just wish she listen that well to me!! :)

So, Mayson "thinks" she always see's Dr. Nakahara...on TV, in the store, in books...he is everywhere.
Well, now he is doing the weather on channel 4.
Yes, Mayson thinks Steve Pool is Dr. Nakaraha!!
Any suggestions on how we explain this one??!! :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mustache Winner....Daddy!

Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Either way Daddy won!
Finally, our Man of the house got home last night from fishing. It was so good to see him & we are waiting for him to catch up on his sleep to hear all the good stories, at least the ones he will share.
He came home with two 50 lb boxes of salmon...guess what's for dinner??!!

It's so nice to have you back home Daddy, you have no idea how much we missed you!
Now lets eat!!
 Salmon ball anyone??!!

P.S. Young Guys Rule!
First time EVER that they have won...must be the lucky rookie...Captain Awesome!
Lacy The Horse!!

Today I took Mayson & Max to the park. They have a few animals there & of course May loved it!
She loved this horse & stood at the gate forever trying to get it to neigh at her. It was really cute. Then she kept asking, "what's it's name? what's it's name?" over & over & over. One of the little gals that works there turned around & said, "her name is Lacy!" Ohh Lacy...it was a really cool moment! :)

May & the chicken...didn't get his name...sorry...next time! :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Babies Here & Babies There!

Saturday Night I loaded up the family truckster with the kiddos & some homemade pasta (yes I made it) & we bombed out to Lake Stevens to have a BBQ with Jennie, Willie, baby Fiona, Jennie's sister Megan & her baby Wyatt. It was so fun to have all the kids together & finally get to see Miss Fiona again. She is 5 weeks old and 11 lbs 4oz. Such a little peanut compared to the other rascals. But in no time she will catch up & be eating green beans on the patio with the boys! (that's what they shared for dinner!)

Here are all the bambinos!
Max  6 months
Wyatt 5 months
Pie 2.5+ yrs
Fiona  5 weeks

Room full of (more) TROUBLE in the near future!

Mr. Max & Mr. Wyatt met back at the end of March for the 1st time.
Max was just 10 weeks old & Wyatt was 6 weeks old.


Look what a couple of months, some milk & some veggies can do to a boy or 2!

If Max can't chill with his Daddy he will chill with Miss Fiona's Daddy

Thanks for having us Morell's over for dinner. You are always great company. Next time Matt will be with us & we will have you all over. Good people!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Re-United & It Feels So Good!!

Uncle Ted came into town also. He got in Friday morning, so we headed over to Mimi & Bobba's for a quick brunch before the boys flew off.

It was so great to see Uncle Ted. I have not seen him in over 2 years. It really made me miss him, Aunt Alice & her great dinners/company & all the restaurants in Arizona!! Yes, seeing Ted made me miss Oregano's & many other great spots. Ohh yumm!! (this is the reason Mayson calls me Big Momma!)

Mayson was playing shy with Uncle Ted until he gave her a present. Her very own Princess fishing pole. It came in a case with sunglasses, a tackle box & some bait. He won a very special place in Maysons heart for that gift. She has slept every nap & night with her toys! How did he ever know??!!
Mr. Montana got his first fishing cap from Uncle Ted & Aunt Alice. So stinkin cute.

Uncle Ted loving the monkeys. Not sure if he is laughing at the crazy lady to the right of him or Max gnawing off his finger??!!

So nice to finally meet you Uncle Ted!!

What up cous??!!
Max 6 months & Sloane 1 month

Max eating again.
(check out the dirty lips around this joint!)

Like I said it was so nice to see Uncle Ted. I just wish Aunt Alice would have been here too.
Thanks again for the great gifts...we MISS you guys!!
P.S. Old Guys Rule!! :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Family Nights!

The boys left us girls behind (again) to go on their annual fishing trip to Alaska.
Uncle JJ flew into town Thursday night & we had a great family BBQ at The Poorts!

Not much is better then a hot Summer night, chilling with our kids, swimming in the pool, smell of a BBQ & of course all the dirty mustaches hanging out!! Well, not really the mustache part. Ugh...please get back soon & shave those dirty things....please!! :)

Old pro at the Uncle JJ mustache game!

Max doesn't care...as long as you feed him!

I can do what they can do!!

Here is a quick re-cap of our night....

...we really weren't singing we were eating. :)