Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Monday, February 27, 2012

play date part 3

payten and miles.

max and payten.

may and carsen in back.

miles doesn't want to pose. but we take the picture anyway.

peyten will pose. yumm.

we love us some play dates!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

play date part 2

max, quinn, may, lathan and miles. quinn and lathan are brothers.
all 3 m's are bro and sis.

max trying on lathan's shoes while picking his nose. hot.

max trying on quinn's shoes. not picking his nose. hotter.

Friday, February 24, 2012

play date part 1

wyatt and max. wyatt is 3 weeks younger then max and 3x the size!

max and fiona. max is 5 months older then fiona and 5x the size.

fiona and wyatt are cousins. max is not a cousin.
fiona does not want to play with the boys anymore.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

golden child...whatever

really dumpy?! really dude?! really?!
things got quite in our house, real quite.
i ran to find him and this is what i found...

max eating desitin butt cream and spreading the whole tube on our couch.

the spot on the left was about a half inch thick. pictures do not show how bad it was.
i was too mad to really take any more. but had to get something.
after a phone call to matt and amy, a google search and an hour and 45 minutes of scrubbing i got
it all out. not a mark on the couch. you would never know. never.
i forgave dumpy because he is my son and its just a couch. but ugh...i was not happy.
fyi : baking soda, dish soap and water. scrub for almost 2 hours and your couch is clean!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

4 years

another year and i still dread this day. my mind is full of memories and moments that can take me
right back to 4 years ago today. on one hand it feels like yesterday. on the other it feels like 20 years since i kissed my mom. the more time that goes by the more i realize how much i need her. the stupid things you don't think of when you call your mom without thinking twice about...i ran out of oil...what can i use instead? or it's just the random..guess who i saw? or... tell me the truth questions...should i get my hair cut short? or it's the big omgosh mom guess what...i'm pregnant!! mom...you should see mayson dance...mom....you should see max make a mess...mom...you should see miles crawl and his two goofy lower teeth.
 it's those moments that kick me in the stomach and even after 4 years the pain is not any better.
but it's then that i am reminded of my incredible husband and my amazing friends.
the phone calls, the texts, the emails, the cards that i receive on this day and other days is what keeps me
from loosing my mind.
a hospice nurse told me that the best gift i can give my mom is to keep her memory alive. when you
see something that reminds you of your mom, say it out load. tell the story so people will learn about her and you will remember her by saying it out loud. i do this with my kids. every time i see a ladybug i think of my mom. same with a rainbow. same with a jet stream.same with a daffodil. 
the best phone calls, pictures i receive are ones saying how they just saw a ladybug and thought of my mom. or i just thought of your mom because of...it makes me happy that she is not forgotten with them either.
this year i can say it's not much easier then the 3 before. i cry for her everyday. sometimes a song fills my eyes, seeing a mom and daughter together will get me, or sometimes its a full blown break down. thank god those are not often. i learned no matter how hard i cry it doesn't change our story. and then i end up with a headache. i rarely go there.
this year on my mom's passing anniversary i'm thankful for my husband and my friends.
if i didn't have them i don't know where i would be. remembering my mom with me is the greatest gift to both of us. so thank you. thank you so much for all your kind words, tears we cry together and laughs. you make me ok with my situation and you keep my mom's memory alive.
you know who you are and i'm grateful for each and everyone of you. and i know my mom is too.

me and my mmm's brought balloons and cupcakes to grandma's tree.

we all wrote a litte something to grandma on our red balloons.

then we sent them up to her all at the same time.

for the record...i'm not a debbie downer.
i just think it's important to tell people you love them and tell them thank you.
i'm one of the lucky people. i'm lucky to have an amazing mom. i'm lucky to have matt. and i'm lucky to have amazing friends.
but with all that said...i still want to say FU CANCER!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy heart day

yes! one of my favorites is here. valentines day.
every year gets better as the mmm's get older.
cupid is an awesome little love bug that we love to hang over may's head!
be good or cupid won't do a driveby. whatever works. don't judge.
we love cupid and we love this day. haters can hate while we have fun.

and yep...it all paid off. mayson was a good girl and the boys were good too.
cupid found our house and dropped some love.

may at her preschool party

richard and his girl

brady and his girl

we then played cupid and dropped off goodies at sloane's house

max feel asleep, so it was just this goon ball running the show

then off to see bobba

mimi was next and that is when we lost miss may.
off we went and may stayed.

max had no problem at all running the show.
he rang aunt judy and uncle jon's door bell like he was the police.
we left there with him screaming and kicking because he wanted
to see them so bad.
sorry dude...not home.

then it was off to my dad's and off to see grandma rose.
kids were crabby...we were late to get home and my camera didn't make it out again. :(

i love our love deliveries but it makes me get a lump in my throat. all bittersweet.
i should be seeing my mom today too. grandma is on our list. she would have loved
to have seen us at her door.
then i looked in my rear view mirror and saw this....
happy heart day grandma.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dump truck Construction birthday party

it's party time!

wanna come to my 2nd birthday party?!

it's a dump truck party. i love dump trucks. i love big trucks
and they call me dumpy so it all fits perfectly!

me and my boys. maypie refused.

my boyfriend with kaylie-my mommy's helper.

max's big birthday truck

max checking out his birthday rig...well for a few hours anyway





captain awesome showing sloane and max how to kick tires

miss t

max got bored and left us. aunt judy caught him before he left for good.

bobba and sloane

the gang, well part of it

big momma

mr.truck driver and tom.
ohh...i can't thank these 2 guys enough

bittersweet moment.
soccer meghan was moving the day of the party.
she snuck down for some cake and say goodbye

katie and meghan hugging it out.
they have lived next to each other since they were 3 yrs.old

little piece of kentucky right here in duvall

addison is on a mission to get candy for her and for her sister
who couldn't make the party

not messing around

her smile gives her loot away

birthday song time

not sure who is more serious max or addison

bye bye dump truck

ohh...my dumpy,dumperson, mc dumperson, bubbas, budders, maxie, milian, goldenchild,
whatever we call you, we love you so much. you are such a good boy.
you are a total charmer and could not be more of a boy.
you are messy and sweet all at the same time.
i could squeeze you. sometimes i do a little too much and need to just walk away,
because i simply can't get enough of you.
happy happy birthday bubbas!
we love you and until next year lets clean up a little bit??!! :)
cheers buddy!

thank you everybody for making max's 2nd birthday "loads" of fun!