Weight - 21 lbs. 1 oz (50%)
She did get all her immunization shots along with the flu shot :( She did really well, cried just a little, but was a very good girl.
Now here she is looking like her Uncle Jared when he was little! Crazy- I promise she is a girl! :)
Here we are bombing around town in "White Lightning"! Christmas Tree and all! Gotta love it!
The Grizwalds!
Finally our tree is up! It is really pretty-the picture does not give it justice! You need to come see in person!
Amy has been "snowed" in at our house since Tuesday! She is the perfect person to get stuck with! She loves to decorate, craft, watch May and CLEAN!! Yippee! Amy and Mayson are also best friends so that is really the best part!

No we did not have a bear in our back yard- that is Booyah's paw print! We need to trim those talons! :)

Matt went to the Seahawk game and had to walk down to the bottom of the hill and walk back! 1 mile each way...brrr! It was all worth it to watch the Hawks win and he came home and made a victory Snow Angel! Nice work Montana Matt!!