Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy Birthday.....

Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas......
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Merry Christmas Card Pictures....
Friday, December 11, 2009
Let It Snow...Well....
Mayson was so excited to see the Polar Bear! She loved all the music & all the "craziness" that was happening around us! She just wanted to dance! Weird I know!!
Happy Birthday....
Grandpa about to make his Birthday wish!
Once again, the only picture I have to prove we actually had a Birthday party! :( Not even a picture of Grandpa & the real Pie! Sorry!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Flat Out......
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Light Up a Life Ceremony For Grandma
Amy joined us to remember Grandma this Christmas.
Grandma's memorial ornament
When the ground finally thawed out we were able to plant Grandma's Christmas tree at my Dad's house. Things were a little different this year with me being so pregnant and Mayson being so busy. We planted her tree during the day and unfortunately I do not have a picture of it at night, but you can still see how pretty it is!
After we lit the tree, Mayson got to go stomping in the mud puddles! This was her first time, so we had to show her how to do it and let her know that yes it is OK!! Of course, she LOVED it!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Elmo birthday party

Too slow Miss Pie! Sander beat you to Elmo's nose!
That's OK, because she is just going to lick it anyway!!
I got Mayson stripped down to her diaper, thinking she would get RED frosting all over her adorable Birthday outfit and stain it......nope.....just licked the frosting & off to playing!
Not interested in diving in....maybe next year??!!
The best picture I have of May in her Birthday outfit- sad I know!
Homemade adorable shirt from Auntie Kelly & the cutest TuTu from Kristin!
Along with her new baby & baby stroller from Grandpa!!

Look a picture of DAWNK!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
Dawn, Auntie Kelly & Uncle JJ!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Day.....
One of the best reasons to give Thanks......Uncle JJ was in town to play & teach Mayson all new fun things to say!
Miss Pie can say "GO CATS"! Both Uncle JJ & May think this is great! If Matt says "GO DOGS"! May will say...."NO GO CATS"!!
The two monkeys playing on the piano!
Another great reason to give Thanks....Aunt Judy & Uncle Jon were with us all for Thanksgiving dinner! Mayson loved getting in & out of the basket & Aunt Judy had no problem playing with her!
Uncle Jon, Aunt Judy with the Turkey!

Mayson could not of been more happier with her Birthday presents from Uncle Jon & Aunt Judy! As you can see here, May is saying..."OOOOHHHHHH".....before she even has the presents out! Loves presents, but then again who doesn't??!!

We had a VERY nice Thanksgiving & we are very Thankful for all our Family, Friends & Health.
Monday, November 23, 2009
...All About....
Mayson had to hold onto the video camera & every time I tried to take her picture she would say "cheese" & pretend to take my picture. So I could not get a real good picture of the girl....weird I know! :)

Mouth full of granola bar...trying to sneak in a picture...almost got a good one.

Waiting for the Doc & all his good news!

Mayson did receive her 2nd part to her Hep A shot. She didn't even cry. She did fake cry...kinda whined...like that kinda hurt...maybe I should fake it to get something....& yep it worked!
I took her to Dairy Queen for some ice cream! I really took her there because she was so good, not because of the fake cry...well & because Big Momma wanted some ice cream too! :)
She will not have to go back for another well check until she is 3! WoW 3!
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
BIG Girl....
Monday, November 2, 2009
....All Treats...
I love this picture of Sandman!!
Of course Mayson had to come around and stick her head the other way to see what that view was all about!