What more can a girl ask for??!!
I made some chocolate chip cookies this weekend for Miss Pie! I was thinking that she was going to go "crazy" with them & make a mess, so I stripped her down to her diaper and.....

she had a few bites, got just a little messy, then.......

Miss Pie kept looking at me like, sorry Mom just not feeling it! Needless to say I was a little disappointed that she did not create the mess I was waiting for. It also makes me wonder if she is MY girl? That is all I ate while I was pregnant! Cookies, cookies & cookies!

I put May in her playpen while I was vacuuming & when I walked around the corner she had thrown all her toys out! When I started to pick them all up I realized that maybe she is just a little overwhelmed with how many are in there. Just needed room to breathe I guess?!

Miss Pie kept looking at me like, sorry Mom just not feeling it! Needless to say I was a little disappointed that she did not create the mess I was waiting for. It also makes me wonder if she is MY girl? That is all I ate while I was pregnant! Cookies, cookies & cookies!

I put May in her playpen while I was vacuuming & when I walked around the corner she had thrown all her toys out! When I started to pick them all up I realized that maybe she is just a little overwhelmed with how many are in there. Just needed room to breathe I guess?!
The Pie & I went out to Monroe to see Maddy at her 4H presentation. Mayson was so happy to see all the puppies! She loves puppy Bentley! (pictured below)
I could not keep her socks & shoes on the whole time we were there. Here she is excited to show us that she got them off AGAIN!! :)

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