Luck of the Irish to you!!
We were in full Patty Day spirits this year!
On Saturday, my Dad came over & we made corn beef & cabbage! So festive!
Then on Sunday, Matt, Mimi(formally known as Nana), and myself walked the St. Patrick's Day Dash in Seattle! YES in the snow, rain & wind! We were troopers! It was a lot of fun. Could have been warmer, but it wasn't & we didn't melt!
Here we are all ready to hit the road! Starbucks in hand! Everything is better with a coffee.

We weren't the only "nut jobs" out in the weather!

While we walked, Mayson stayed home all snuggled in with Bobo(formally known as Bumpa or Grandpa)! Miss Pie DOES melt so we kept her in doors!
After our walk we meet up with everyone for a warm, well deserved breakfast!
Miss Pie with Mimi & Bobo!

Auntie Kelly & Uncle John did show up for breakfast! Maybe they melt?!
We were a little jealous that they were warm & in bed at 7am on a Sunday, but who can really blame them?!
Miss Pie was just happy she got to see her Auntie! Ohh...she LOVES her Auntie Kelly!

Here we all are! Warm, full & happy!
(we missed you Uncle Jared)!

St. Patrick's Day is just another reason to make cupcakes! So, of course Amy & I were all over it!
They were so good!! As you can see...I could not wait to eat mine....wrapper already off before we took pictures....rookie move!

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