Happy 1st Birthday Miss Paisley!!
It's Raining Birthdays....Hallelujah....
We started our very nice, hot little Sunday off with Miss Paisley Walker's 1st Birthday party.
It was so much fun & as you can see were nice & cool at Grandma Sandy's & Grandpa Ray's house.
These 3 measly pictures do not show how many people were there....probably close to 40 people.
I would guess that 25 were under the age of 19!
Jake holding Miss Thing & Chase holding the birthday girl!

Miss Mayson will not even look at anyone or talk to anyone for at least 20 minutes. She completely crawls up to me & won't show her face. If she could turn into a turtle & go into her shell she would be the happiest girl in the world for those 20 minutes. But after those 20 minutes is up...it's game time....Mayson is back & she is ready to play...& she wants her Jake man!! :)

Who is Jake...
Jake is one of Paisley's older brothers
Jake is Shantel's nephew (Shane's boy)
Jake is going to be in 8th grade
Jake is 13 years old
Jake is 11 years older then Mayson
which means...
Jake is too old for you Mayson!!
I think the heat got to me, because I only took these 3 pictures. I'm waiting (hoping) someone will email me some soon. I heard that when Miss Paisley got to eat her cake she was full of it. So, please someone send pictures my way!
It was a great party, but we had to cut it early...Mr. Sandman was waiting!
Happy 1st Birthday Paisley! We love you!!
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