O' Montana Sky's...
We loaded up the family truckster (all of us except Boo) & bombed our way to The Great Montana Sky's.
The 8 + hour drive was uneventful on the way to The Mother Country, & eventful on the way back to life as we know it. Shrek & Katy Perry's California Gurls kept us happy & singing all the way there. Unfortunately, poor Max's bum kept us from driving more then 20 minutes starting at Moses Lake all the way to Cle Elum. The poor guy never finished his "duty" until we arrived home. TMI
We had a great relaxing vacation with the family. Of course, Uncle JJ flew in for the "cation" & great memories were made. After all it was the 1st trip for both our new additions- Mr. Montana himself & Miss Sloane. We can now say, "you kids have been going to Montana since you were 7 months & 10 weeks old!" I don't know how many times Max heard, "this is the place you were named after!" By the time he will be able to talk, I'm sure he will tell us, "enough already, I know, you told me!"
Great times, great food, great company...not much more I could have asked for except maybe a little more sunshine.
Uncle JJ's finger stache & shades made the next 2 pictures my favorites from the whole trip!
I don't think this will ever get old to me! Thank you Uncle JJ for tattooing a dirty mustache on your finger for life. It has brought me many good laughs & I'm sure it will bring many more!
Miss Pie got her 1st seadoo ride ever with Daddy. She loved it & just wanted to go faster & faster. Poor Mimi on the other hand did not want her Granddaughter going fast at all & would have preferred her to have a helmet on! Silly Mimi!
While the boys golfed, the girls & our little man went for stroll through Big Fork. We were hoping for a nice little outing, filled with ice cream, iced coffee's & window shopping, but instead we got......Marcy! I could go into detail, but I don't want to sell my daughter out on her blog.Trust me...it wasn't pretty.
The calm before the storm!

Mayson took a walk with Auntie Kelly, baby Sloane & Mimi.
Mimi got May new pink shoes...they were all she wore all weekend.
Tyra Banks watch out....Uncle JJ taught the girl how to walk the cat walk & she is ready. She has her own personal style & leaves you wanting more....watch out LaLa Land...it won't be long!
Look who is on Captain Awesome's Team....Mr. Montana!
What are the odds? A shirt with Uncle John's name on it??!! Gotta love Target!
Sweet, sweet baby Sloane!
Perfect inside & out...such a good baby doll...& those cheeks...
could eat them. Yumm!!
The 2 charmers of the family.
The kids table at Christmas this year.
Move over Uncle JJ & May...Max & Sloane are here!
2 peas at it once again!
Finally, Miss May gets to sit in her O' Montana chair.
O' Montana give this boy a home, give him the love of a good family & a women of his own....
(little John Denver song we sing to Max about 500x a day!)
Our happy little family with Marcy....have you met her yet? It's a real treat...delightful!
I love you May!!
I used to think Arizona had the best sunsets...not so much anymore.
The Wild Montana Sky's!
Thank you Mimi, Bobba, Aunt Kell, Captain & Uncle JJ for a great family trip.
We had a wonderful time & our new additions will make next year even that much better. Watch out MayPie, your little brother & little cousin will not be so little next year! They will be able to walk & talk....look out!
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