Frank's 9 Month Well Check
went perfect!
It is always so much "funner" to take your kid to a well check appt. then to a sick, help me to understand why my baby won't stop coughing, and how do I use this so called breathing treatment thing appt.
So, today when Mr. Morell had his doc appt. I was very happy and very excited to see how our little/big man is doing.
Of course, like true Max style..he charmed his way through the office. Starting with the receptionist and working his way back to the nurses and the techs. He loves to give you the "stink" eye, then as soon as you call him out on it....he gives you a smile and bats his eyes as if he has no idea what you are talking about.
It's pretty funny and you must see to believe how cute it is too.
Frank is too big to lay down on the scale like a turkey....I will miss the turkey pose.
Weight: 24.4 lbs. (94%)
Length: 29 1/2 in. (90%)
Mellon: 18 1/4 in. (81%)
Dr. Nakahara checked Max's wound from the nightlight and he said it could have used 1 stitch.
I felt really bad that we did not bring him in to the ER the night before until Matt reminded me....
I felt really bad that we did not bring him in to the ER the night before until Matt reminded me....
that His name is MONTANA....if he can't stitch it himself, then he don't need a stitch! (whatever)
Plus....Bobba and the rest of the family checked it out and we all agreed...
Dr. Nakahara was being on the way to "safe" side, plus...
girls love scars!

Max got his flu shot and didn't even cry, but then again I was reminded...
his name is Montana!
Frank is everywhere and wants to be everywhere. That is why I love this playpen!
It is the perfect little container to keep him in one area for some time. He loves to stand up and
follow around the edges and watch you move from room to room.
He is a tank so once again I love you playpen!
Our fingers are crossed that we will not be going to the doc office anytime in the next 3 months
for a "sick" appt. Max will have his 1 month part 2 flu shot and that should be it for him until he turns 1.
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