Another Birthday = Another Doctor Check
Well, as we all know by now little Miss Sass had her it was a trip to see Dr. Nakahara and get stats on the butter...peanut butter that is.
Weight: 28 1/4 lbs. (25%)
Height: 36 in. (25%)
BMI: 30%
Yes, that's all right above...not a typo! I was giggling the whole time at her well check appointment.
How did we get such a little person?! They even had to go to a "smaller" height chart. The original one she took her to was too tall. It's funny because on both sides we have some really good height. My Mom is short, so maybe she got that one gene out of all the others? I don't care, I just think it's kinda funny. Dr. Nakahara did say she could have a growth spurt later...we will wait and see.
Until then she is just our little pi** and vinegar girl!
When I was little I was skinny...(true) I'm not too surprised on the weight part.
Max is only 2 lbs. behind the girl. Paybacks are a coming!
When I asked my "little" princess (ha) for a smile...this is what I got once again.
Ohh..maybe you shouldn't make that face again?!!
May did HAVE to bring her new birthday toys to the check up and show the nurse.
She moved them all over the room, and this is how they eventually ended up, stacked in a pile. Trying to keep them away from her brother.
Next well check appointment is when she turns 4!! Whoot whoot!