Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Another fun little holiday we decided to celebrate and deliver our little shamrocks we made.
Mayson loved "getting to know" all about St. Patty's day. It was so much fun to tell her about the little leprechauns that come at night when your sleeping and bring you a present! So, she got to bed early so he could bring her a good treat! Matt thought I was CraZy for telling her this. He said, "you already told her that cupid leaves presents, now leprechaun's!" Yep! And come to find out...I'm not the only crazy in town! Well, maybe this town, but not in Arizona! I found another one...her family set out leprechaun traps!!
Yes, this is one I will defiantly do when the kids are older! I got to get the low down from Teri on how it works!

Anyway, this year we stuck to the simple of making cute little treats, followed with a good luck poem.

Max waiting for me to load the car.
His two upper front teeth JUST popped through!
You can kinda see. Late bloomer!

Finally, in the car to go get Sissy from pre-school to start our leprechaun deliveries.

With busy, busy Mayson running, running, running I did not get a picture of her in her Patty's gear. Trust me though....she has been wearing it non stop since she got it, so I know it will be put back on real soon and I will get a pic. It's really cute, so I don't blame her for always having it on.

MayPie did have her teeth cleaned today! She did awesome. She got the works. Minus the x-rays- not needed. The best news of all-
NO CAVITIES! (thank god again!)

We still go to my old office, but there is a new Doc there now and new staff. So, really we don't know them.
I was worried that Mayson would not be excited since she wouldn't know them...wrong. May loved it and chewed their ear off.

The hygienist and the Dr. both said that Mayson was very polite, and behaved/talked more like a 5 year old then a 3 year old! Awesome May..but please can I see some of that behavior?! :)

While Sissy got her chompers cleaned, Max waited with boring ol' me.
He waited for anyone to come to the office and give him some entertainment.

Still waiting...

Surprise...just kidding..no one came!

He finally got tired of waiting and took a break. Right on the clean dental floor!
He's our 2nd- he will be just fine!
When Mayson finished, she rushed up to me and told me to smell her teeth! She pulled me down and opened her mouth and blew her breath all over me!! "Don't my teeth smell pretty Momma?!" :)

We had a very busy day with stops at Dr.s for teeth and for baby Carlos- he is doing awesome too. And stops at Mimi and Bobba's and then out to the Nation to Grandpas. We even got a little lunch in with DawnK out in Fall City.

Hope your little leprechaun was as nice to you as ours was!
Happy St. Patty's Day!
p.s. if anyone knows where to get a trap..let me know! :)

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