Guess who started preschool today??
(MayPie at 5 months old)
Did you hear them...Angels singing??!!
Or was my crying drowning them out?!
Today was Miss Mayson's 1st day of preschool.
I was so excited for this day, then it got here & of course, (weird I know)
I cried on the way to drop her off & after. I did pull it together when I dropped her off, so I didn't embarrass her.
I was so excited to pack Mayson's lunch. Today was the 1st day of many, many years to come with Mayson totting her lunch to school. As far back as I can remember, I had packed lunches that my Mom made me. I had the best homemade lunches. They were so good that my friends ate them. My Mom was worried that I wouldn't get enough to eat, so she started putting in 2 sandwiches & doubled everything up. Well, this morning I felt the pressure to have that "perfect, most memorable" lunch packed for my daughter. It didn't come close to one of my Mom's lunches, but I figure I have a lot of years to get it down just right.

Then I learned, no lunches unless she is staying an extra hour. She only has snack time & they provide the snack due to allergies. So, maybe it will be a little until I start practicing my homemade lunch skills. Darn it...I was really starting to put some good thought into it.
Our big girl waiting to go...wishing there was a bus to pick her up & drop her off, but the family truckster will have to do for now.
As we all know Miss May does not like to pose or look at the camera, so getting the few I got was a treat.
Then she said, "should I do like Uncle JJ?" Why not?
This is what I got...
Followed by this scream yelling, "PRESCHOOL!!"
A snap shot to mark the beginning for both of us.
I really wanted to get a picture of May in her classroom, but as soon as she got word of Mr. LayLay & Amy in the parking lot waiting for her, she bombed right out of the door.
I got a quick report from Miss Bobbi that she did great & see you Tuesday.
So, that was that! We will see you Mr. Preschool every Tuesday & every Thursday until Summer 2011!!(Angels sing again!)
We grabbed our lunches & special treats & headed to the park for some fun with Lathan!
So lucky to get to see him again so soon.
Not so lucky that the monkeys won't even turn around for a look see.
It will be so nice to spend 5 hours a week with my little man.
We will enjoy the peace & quite!! :)
My girlfriend Cindy (Colton's Mom) referred me to Totem Preschool. Colton goes there as well. It is family owned & attached to Northwest Aerials Gymnastics. Every school day they spend 45 minutes in the gymnastic room. It was a great hit...they take 2.5 yr. olds & May is not fully potty trained, so I really lucked out. Thank you Cindy!! I totally owe you my sanity!! :)
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