Miss Mayberry Pie,The Milian & Noodles!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet Morgan Avery Price!!

Beautiful Morgan was born September 27 around 5pm.
She weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long.
Momma Michelle did awesome (as did Daddy Joey)!

I wish I had a wish to use to fly me down to Scottsdale to see those precious lips in person.
Ohh...love her already.

Momma Mo sporting the perfect makeup & hair after her easy delivery. duh.

While I was patiently waiting the phone call of Miss Morgan's arrival (not really), I googled to see who this child will share famous birthdays with.....the answers are...
Gweneth Palthrow, Lill Wayne, Meat Loaf, Avril Lavine & Shaun Cassidy
(just saying)

Congrats to Momma & Daddy Price & big sissy Hayden. Hope to see you guys soon & eat some Oregano's with you! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

3Day Breast Cancer Walk

This weekend was the 3Day Breast Cancer Walk.
Amy & I walked it last year when I was 5 months pregnant with baby Hoss.
It was hands down the hardest thing I have ever done. We both thought that walking 20 miles a day for 3 days would not be a big deal...I mean it's just walking...why train?!
YES...we are nuts & we learned that.

I promised myself & my Mom at last years closing ceremony that I will go out to the 2010
3Day walk & support all the walkers. I knew I would not be mentally or physically ready to try to walk again this year. I also knew I would have no excuse on why I could not go down to support 2,350 people walking to make my future & my daughters better.

So, Sunday morning I grabbed my girl, put on her rain gear, made some signs & got some balloons & headed out to say Thank You!

We joined some crew members at the last corner of the walk & thanked the walkers as they made their final turn to the finish. May & I cheered them on for about 3 hours.

When May got a little too comfy at our 1st stop (started taking off her clothes), we relocated to the down hill stretch. It was pretty emotional for the walkers to get to this point. 9 out of 10 were crying...and we all know how I am with people crying. So, we only stayed there for about 5 minutes.

We decided to take a little break & collect ourselves, so we went to see the Space Needle.
This is as close as we got and as you can see little Miss is thrilled that we didn't go up on top. Ha!

Lucky for me the water fountain turned on & she liked me again!

There was a team walking called The Cupcakes (or something to that effect), so everyone thought we were with them...May was asked about 20x (no lie) if they could take her picture. You know what she said??
 Yep...she said "No!"
Even the main photographer of the 3Day came up & wanted her picture. The lady was all decked out in her gear, big camera, gonna make it big time if you just smile.....nope...not even a dipped cone from Dairy Queen worked...oh well she is just not made for print!

My original plan was to just go & cheer them in, but once they were in we had to see the ceremony.

Here they come...

As you can see, we were not the only ones there to support them.
It was a great day with my bf & the promise was made that we will be back next year to say "Thank You" again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rocker Chick

I got May this cute little rocker tee on sale for like 4 bucks at Target.
I was thinking it would be a cute little "play" shirt.
When we woke up Thursday morning, Mayson insisted on knowing where the Target bag was so she could get her new shirt. I thought she wanted her cute little Halloween shirt, but nope she wanted AC DC!
She picked out her leggings & showed me (about 10x) how the pink in her shirt matches her leggings.
She then picked out her Elmo panties...they too had to match. Lucky for her Abby is pink!
I did tell her that the panties were not a big deal, because no one is going to see them but Mommy.
She still wore Abby!

P.S. This photo was a total bribe for a vanilla dipped chocolate cone at Dairy Queen after preschool!
Every time I bribe her for a photo, I laugh because I was never going to be "that" Mom. Ha!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pablo Picasso...nope it's a Mayson Morell

Mayson brought home her 1st preschool painting. She was more then excited to show it to me.
When I asked her what she painted, she said "it's beautiful!"
Yes, Miss May it is beautiful!
I know just where to put it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy 8 Months Milian

There is a million and + one reasons why I love my Milian.

Here is the + one reason...

..rolls..and more rolls.
 Every where you look there is a roll.

Ohh Milian you got me!

These pictures really don't even give his rolls justice.
They are something to see & feel. :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Go Hawks

Sunday, we were over at Mimi & Bobba's to watch more football & eat more food with the fam.
It was a great relaxing day, just what I needed. :)
After going through my pictures, it looks like I only took ones of the "in town" crew.
But, that's OK...we never get to see them.

The Nebraska crew. Some doing their vogue pose.

Miss Allison & The Pie. This picture was a total bribe.
Mayson got a chocolate kiss for sitting still for 2 seconds.

Allison is a bit of a baby hog like her Aunt Mimi & cousin Kelly.
Runs in the family!

Maxie loving Aunt Micki.

No one can get enough of Miss Sloane.

We had every adult inches away of this...Mayson holding our precious babies??!!
No one moved an eye! :)

The Milian is not sure what to think of silly Uncle JJ...

...so he will hide his face!

Mayson knows what to think...

..2 sillies think a like!

We missed you Uncle Ted & Aunt Alice.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Go Huskies!

This Saturday, I knocked out a few 1st (I feel like Mayson!)!
 I attend my 1st Husky game ever at Husky stadium & went to my 1st Nebraska (Go Big Red!) game!
So, with those two 1st came another really big 1st....tailgating!
Not sure how I never made it to at least one tailgating party, but I must say I missed out!

Matt & I were lucky (so lucky) to drop the yahoo's off with Shantel for the day so we could really enjoy tailgating...I mean the big game! :) Uncle JJ was in from LaLa Land &
Aunt Micki, Uncle Joe, Allison & Ted all flew in from Nebraska of course. It has been about 2.5 years since I last saw them.
It was really fun to see how Teddy is now Ted & to see that Allison is still a good person! :)

Look out May...Momma & Dadda are going by
Nikka & Matt at this party!

All us "kids" back together again...with a +1 & -2!
Love it! Can't tell you how much I loved not counting feedings every 5 hours or asking anybody if they have to go potty!

I'm guessing this wasn't Mimi's 1st tailgating party...as she was right on with food & drinks.

The Morell boys, minus the golden child Max to carry on their legacy.

Go Big Red or Go Huskies?!

Wishes do come true when you know Uncle Jon & Aunt Judy.
Tom & Amy came to tailgate with us & I witnessed the gift of tickets being given to 2 Husky fans from 2 Nebraska fans.

Glad you can stay Amy.

Sloane 2 games.
Nikka 1 game.
Sloane 13 weeks old.
Nikka 36 years old.
Look...she is a total professional!

In the shade...all we were hoping for.

Half time party....Pick & baby Pick!
I'm sure this wasn't baby Clara's 1st game either...I need to get with the program!

So, we had a great time once again with family & friends.
Thank you Pat & Deb for a memorable day.
I had a great 1st on all 3 accounts.
The only thing different next time is Shantel takes the kids over night! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

High Apple Pie In The Sky Hopes

Ok, maybe not apple pie, but apple crisp!
Wednesday, we went apple picking at my Dad's house...all while dreaming of hot apple crisp.

Of course, The Pie (my Pie) was in rare form & loved posing for the camera- haha!

May did not help out so much on the picking part, but loved standing under the trees & eating the apples instead.
Goof ball in action...looks like she is a MJ back up dancer....go girl!

Then she played & watched me & Grandpa pick the apples.

The Milian watched us pick as well....& I'm sure he was wishing for some teeth once again.

My helper still eating the apples.

Our finished product before going in the oven & after we dug in...

..it was good, but I still have some practice before it's as good as Mimi's or Grandma's.
Good thing we have a ton of apples!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brusha Brusha Brusha

No Cavities!

Today was another big 1st for Miss Pie...she went to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned.
We went to the place I used to work at in Redmond before I had Mr. Milian.
Momma Cindy (Colton's mom) cleaned May's teeth.
I talked with May for 2 weeks about going to see Cindy. I told her all about how Cindy was going to get ALL the bugs off her teeth....the ones we couldn't get off with her toothbrush at home.
By the time today arrived Mayson was ready to go...actually excited to go!
My plan worked perfectly! :)

May with The Bug Chaser!

Of course, I did not go back into the room to watch, but I did have Kelsey take some pictures for me.

Stunning darling....just stunning glasses!

Mayson was not a fan of the polisher or Mr. Slurpy because she thought they were too loud. She would only let Cindy scale.
I was kinda surprised by this, but not complaining at all. She got a great cleaning & a great bill of health!
(not sure how I would do if she had a cavity)

Mayson got the full run down on how to brush, floss (kids floss holder) & let Cindy paint some fluoride on.
Of course she left with a bag full of loot.
While we were walking out the door, Mayson said, "momma, I'm so happy!"
I'm sure she was...she couldn't even carry all her new supplies & toys.

Lucky for us traffic was horrible on the way home. It had been a half an hour since fluoride, so we hit up Theno's Dairy to celebrate yet another 1st & another great job!

That's my girl!